If you are the original author of any book published on QuickRead and want us to remove it, please contact us at If you like this summary please consider purchasing the original book to get the full experience as the original author intended it to be. DISCLAIMER: This book summary is meant as a summary and an analysis and not a replacement for the original work. By recounting her relationship with childhood sexual assault, body-shaming, and feminism, Gay uses her story to initiate a discourse on body neutrality and self-compassion. Hunger is Gay’s critique of the sexist stereotypes that are designed to keep women’s bodies in line and her pursuit of fatness as a protest against sexualization. Instead, Hunger (2017) is a book that breaks barriers by inviting you to embrace your body and your relationship with food. If you’re looking for a memoir that glorifies one woman’s personal weight loss journey, Roxane Gay wants you to know that this is not that memoir. A powerful memoir about food, fatness, and feminism. Notice: This is a Summary & Analysis of Hunger.